Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ode To Moms

(Photo by sharaff, from flickr)
Last night, as I was tucking Peanut (my youngest son) into bed, he announced, “You are the best Mom in the whole world.” To which I replied, “Well, thank you! Why do you say that?”

“Just because I love you and you are so good to me.”

I couldn’t have been more taken aback. Then he followed up by saying, “Even though I bet all kids in the world say their mom is the best mom, I think YOU are the best-est.”

He gets his brains and good sense from me…..

But, this morning, I read a news item that a woman in Southern California gave birth to octuplets. Yeah – that is right. Eight babies and all are doing very well, including the smallest one – just 1 pound and eight ounces – who was proclaimed as being “very feisty”. Each baby is named with names from A to H, for each consecutive letter of the alphabet.

I also would like to reference another of my favorite “mom of multiples”, Kate, of “Jon and Kate Plus Eight” on the TLC channel. This is a mom, who with her hubby, Jon, had a set of twins and then a few years later gave birth to sextuplets. The show chronicles life in the “Jon and Kate” household with eight of their own kiddies. Admittedly, I have become a big fan of this show and have forced my own two boys (who will reluctantly admit that they also enjoy the show) to watch it as I exclaim, “See? Imagine having four more brothers and sisters exactly like you that you have to deal with!!”

I give a lot of credit to these parents. It takes lot of guts to raise kids these days. After my first one, we were totally shell-shocked with the amount of work that went in to raising him. It took us four years to begin considering a second child. I love these two boys of mine more than life itself but every day is a new challenge.

From birth to “terrible two’s” to first days of kindergarten. Then progressing to pre-teen-hood, ‘tweenhood…then (gulp!) the dreaded teens. Even after they are out of college, there are more worries. A girlfriend of mine has a 23 year old daughter who just left to visit a “friend” (of the opposite gender) in South Korea, where he is working. My girlfriend, despite her wanting her daughter to live a full and “juicy” (this is her word) life, has her own set of reservations. So…the worrying never stops.

My own sister and her new hubby are now going down this road with their own VERY recent announcement that she is now expecting. They are young and have lots of energy to raise children…which is good, as they want a big family.

Me, on the other hand, am totally complete with my two charming and handsome “handfuls”. They provide me with a very satisfying amount of joy and heartache and all, usually, within the same day.

As my “2009 Intention #17” states, “Being a mother is the hardest job on earth. Women everywhere must declare it so.” Whether it is 15 children, 8, 4, 2, or a single wonderful child, I wish all the mom’s (and dads) of the world a hearty “Well done!” and a firm “Keep on keepin’ on!”

P.S. I also have to give a shout out to my OWN mother, who proofreads all my blog entries. She has served as my own personal proofreader since high school. And while I am at it, I also have to credit her mom, my grandmother, for everything she does for me, too. As Peanut so cleverly observed, ‘Even though I bet all kids in the world say their mom is the best mom, I think YOU are the best-est’.

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