Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Brain Freeze!

It is March 10 and I am really getting tired of the bad weather. People who tell me that March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb obviously do not spend a lot of time in northwest Iowa. We “locals” know that March can never reliably be counted upon for good (or predictable) weather. In fact, March is often the most outrageous month for unpredictable weather…..and today is no exception.

Rain, freezing rain, sleet, snow, high winds, and bone chilling air temperatures are the gifts that Mother Nature has given to us within the last 24 hours. This is just her way of reminding us that we are mere mortals and can never control the weather….we can predict it, analyze it, and get out of it….but she holds the ultimate power in this department.

So, today’s entry is short and sweet – because my brain is frozen solid.

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